Consenso Loader
Employee Patrick Meier
Chief Product Officer

Software Development | Project Management | Technical IT Consulting


- Project Management
- Technical IT Consulting
- Software Development
- Data Engineering


Year of Birth: 1991

Nationality: Swiss


- Master of Science FHNW in Medical Informatics
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Muttenz, Switzerland
- Bachelor of Science FHNW in Life Science Technologies
Specialization: Biomedical Informatics, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Muttenz, Switzerland

BI SYSTEMS & Dev. Frameworks


Odoo , MS Dynamics 365, SAP B1

BI & Data Analytics:

Tableau, Power BI, DHIS2 Python Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn


6 months travel experience through Central & South America


Research / Software Development
Health Informatics Specialist | Project Associate

Multimedia Electronics
Multimedia Electrician


IT Consultant | Data Engineer
CONSENSO GmbH 1 year

Health Informatics Specialist
Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute 1 year

Scientific Assistant | Software Developer
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland 2.5 years

Multimedia Electrician
Kilchenmann AG 2 years
Edi Blatter AG 2.5 years
Glanzmann Multimedia AG 0.5 years


IT Project Management

  • Project lead in several Fullstack Software Development, AI-Implementation and System Integration Projects

System Landscape

  • Managing servers (Linux-based) and hosting applications (AWS, Docker, Nginx, Apache2)


  • Product Officer of ConsensoConnect AI-Suite that handles Business processes by leveraging AI
    • Implementing modules for Text Generation, Product creation, Knowledge Extraction etc.

BI & Data Analysis

  • Creation and Management of BI Dashboards using Tableau and Power BI for insight into the data
    • Analyzing data using libraries such as Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn and custom scripts

Software Development

  • In depth experience and hands-on knowledge in the Development of Full stack Software solutions
    • Node, Nest, Express, SQL & No-SQL
    • Angular, React, Vue, HTML, CSS, Sass
    • Docker, Nginx, PM2
  • Skilled Python and Bash Scripting to build customer solutions and automations
  • Managing API Development tasks and building custom endpoints based on customer needs

Machine Learning & Data Science

  • Applying cutting edge ML models and solutions to customer specific data
    • Leveraging Classification, Regression, Clustering, Neural Networks etc.
    • Using modern libraries such as Scikit Learn, Tensorflow, Keras


  • Developing Clinical Decision Support Systems (CDSS) tailored to customer specific workflows
  • Applying standards for interoperability
  • Experience with Community Health Platforms (CommCare, Community Health Toolkit and DHIS2)
  • Skills in Protein Alignment, Nucleotide annotation (IgBLAST, Biopython)

Process Management and Automatization

  • Automating workflows using ETL and flow management. tools (, Nifi, OpenFn, Lightning)
  • Decision Modelling and Process Automation using Camunda and BPMN standard


  • Teaching of Fundamentals in IT and Python Programming for ongoing Master Students


Product Officer of ConsensoConnect AI-Suite

  • Development of a custom AI driven text-gen module including instruction management, prompt engineering, response validation etc. to generate specific product texts for integration into ERP systems (SAP B1, MS D365)
  • Development of an automated product creation process from Excel files to D365 with custom mapping, validation and export steps
  • User Management and Single Sign-On feature to use the Suite with MS Azure services

Project Lead in the Development of CDSS Health Platform

  • Development of a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS)
  • Automated Authoring tool to translate clinical workflow diagrams into structured content to be used on health platforms

Project Lead in the Development of a Personalized Health Platform

  • Investigation of Autoimmune Diseases by applying machine learning models and clustering algorithms to anonymized patient data to classify patients into separate risk categories
  • Modular & Dockerized Application
  • Full Stack Application using Node.js, Angular, MongoDB

Contribution as Health Informatics Specialist in a WHO Health Project

  • Worked on a fully open-source digital solution to implement WHO SMART Guidelines for newborn and child health
  • Android FHIR SDK which supports FHIR/CQL

Contribution Immune Repertoire Platform

  • Project Lead in building a curated database of immune repertoires and metadata in the AIRR format with IgBLAST annotated data

Research Paper in Data Science field

  • Automated translation of unstructured data into structured components
  • Scientific Author – Paper about a Light Gradient Boosting Machine for the Prediction in QSAR Models
  • Investigation of dengue-specific immune response and antibody identification with machine learning
  • Awarded with the best-paper awards and published with Springer:

Consenso Loader